Thursday, March 12, 2009


There's a movement to keep big breweries dominant in industry categories by attempting to fool the public into thinking some of their products are comparable to microbrew/craft beer.

Somebody out there even tried to chop heads with me on the subject by calling my belief in microbrew over big brew "ignorant."


Really, big breweries are the victims here? Does that guy really think so?

For the sake of humanity as animals with some kind of ability to discern- I hope not.

I've been reading about the history of beer in America- note my previous post...

And I can tell you, despite the pre-industrial revolution roots in beer being produced in America- what we have left from those founding breweries rarely resembles the beer that overflows the shelves in the market.

"How did this happen Tibbi?"

Well, it's not so much "how," but "why?"

Prohibition didn't just kill the market, but it created back pressure. Pressure that was alleviated when the 21 Amendment was passed.

Brewers were back in business, but in order to profit and regain, they had to churn out large, large quantities of beer. And they started cutting corners. No longer were these beers the nutritional wholesome lagers and bock brewed by German immigrant hands- these were industrialized poor excuses for use of water, that would continue to be handed to the masses who would've drank horse piss if it came in a bottle.

Prohibition had starved the thirsty and these same desperate people became vulnerable to whatever marketing and products produced thereafter...almost as a way of staving off any reappearance of prohibition ever again....

Many microbrewers have sought out old recipes and now produce beers that were reminiscent of beers brewed prior to prohibition.

One of these beers was Session Lager from Full Sail brewing in Oregon. It is a pilsner/lager and it tastes as early American beer once did....

So, now that it's clear the big breweries have been up to this fleecing for some time, why continue to back them up?

especially when breweries like Budweiser belongs to InBev...

the profits generated from the sale of their beers don't stay stateside like they used to anymore, now the Great American Lager works for Europe...


Anyhow, support your local breweries and keep the money going to people who work here and hard for it. You're going to get better beer out of it anyway...



Andrew said...

Not to mention. supporting the Big Breweries is like Supporting WalMart. and Supporting Microbrews is like supporting mom and pop shops. do we really have to go over WHY supporting big business isn't always a good thing?

Anonymous said...

Tibbi what do you think about Polar and Tiger beer? I drank Polar in Venezula and Tiger in Singapor thought they where very good. What do you think?

tibbi said...

I've had Tiger- it's a basic lager, I prefer it over most Asian beers from that general area.

Polar, I've never seen around here...

Xingu, Brahma, Quilmes...etc. are all somewhat the same...

refer back to this link